Filtering by: “EU Integration”

Ukraine and the Policy of the New European Commission: How to Build Cooperation under the Renewed Green Deal

Ukraine and the Policy of the New European Commission: How to Build Cooperation under the Renewed Green Deal

Green Deal: what successes has Ukraine achieved in its implementation this year? How to build up cooperation with the new composition of the European Commission? During the online event, NGO experts will present the results and recommendations of the Annual Monitoring Report "Ukraine and the European Green Deal 2024". They will also discuss the policy of the renewed European Commission and what to expect from the EGD's transformation.

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The Path to the EU: Consolidating the Efforts of Government, Business, and Society

The Path to the EU: Consolidating the Efforts of Government, Business, and Society

Becoming a member of the EU is a civilizational choice for Ukraine. Its implementation requires profound political and economic changes in the country, not merely the automatic transfer of EU legal norms to Ukraine. During the conference organised by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, experts will share about realities and prospects of European integration of Ukraine until 2030.

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Transport Arteries of Ukraine in the Process of European Integration

Transport Arteries of Ukraine in the Process of European Integration

Join the public online discussion during which experts of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting will present the transport section of the study "Integration within the Association" – the sixth edition of an updated analysis of the dynamics of the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as of 2024.

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Lessons from EU funding in Eastern European countries and implications for Ukraine

Lessons from EU funding in Eastern European countries and implications for Ukraine

Join the launch of a new report by T&E analysing the direction of EU money flows in transport infrastructure upon the accession of ten Eastern European states. Primarily focused on the cohesion funds and CEF allocated to road, rail, urban transport, airports and intermodal networks, T&E draws critical lessons for sustainable transport development of the Ukrainian transport system.

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European Integration of Ukraine: Carpathian farmers on sustainable development path

European Integration of Ukraine: Carpathian farmers on sustainable development path

Join the event organised by the Information Center “Green Dossier” to learn about the progress on EU integration of the Ukrainian agricultural and environmental sector, about EU’s common agriculture policy perspectives, possible assistance for small agriproducers from international experts, and possibilities to implement requirements of the European Green Deal in agricultural sector in the Carpathian region.

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Ukraine’s Climate and Energy Policy in the Context of EU Accession

Ukraine’s Climate and Energy Policy in the Context of EU Accession

The event organised by the Green Transition Office and DiXi Group will bring together government representatives, businesses, and international partners to discuss coordination and cooperation in implementing the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). Participants will explore practical steps necessary to realize specific investment projects in the area of green transition that will contribute to the implementation of the policies and measures outlined in the NECP.

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European Integration of the Construction Sector: Poland's Experience and Prospects for Ukraine

European Integration of the Construction Sector: Poland's Experience and Prospects for Ukraine

The construction sector is a key element in the recovery and development of Ukraine's infrastructure, while the production of building materials is an important component of economic integration with the EU. Harmonization of standards and cooperation with European partners open new opportunities for the industry. Collaboration between Polish and Ukrainian entrepreneurs can be the key to success in the European market. Join the discussion on the topic organised by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting and Warsaw Enterprise Institute.

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EU Integration of Ukraine: common interests and problems of Carpathian farmers

EU Integration of Ukraine: common interests and problems of Carpathian farmers

Join the event by Green Dossier to discover what farmers from different sides of Carpathians in the EU and Ukraine are currently doing, what worries them, what their interests and problems are. Participants will try to develop a common vision for the further development of sustainable agriculture in the Carpathians, to focus on specific regional needs and problems.

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