Organisers: DiXi Group, Resource & Analysis Center "Society and Environment", Association "Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine", Ukrainian Leadership Academy, Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine, Dzyga, Plato
Format: online
Green Deal: what successes has Ukraine achieved in its implementation this year? How to build up cooperation with the new composition of the European Commission?
During the event, experts will present the results and recommendations of the Annual Monitoring Report "Ukraine and the European Green Deal 2024". They will also discuss the policy of the renewed European Commission and what to expect from the EGD's transformation.
What should we consider in implementing the EU legal framework for the EGD during the war and after the victory? What new legislative initiatives on energy, climate and the environment do we need for European integration? How will new European policies affect cooperation with Ukraine?
You’ll hear answers to these questions together with MPs and government officials, experts from NGOs and think tanks, international partners, and representatives of industry associations and businesses.