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European Future of Ukraine: Environment, Energy, and Post-War Reconstruction through the Eyes of Citizens
Public participation Ната Атаманюк Public participation Ната Атаманюк

European Future of Ukraine: Environment, Energy, and Post-War Reconstruction through the Eyes of Citizens

This policy brief presents the analysis of the findings of the public opinion survey on Ukraine’s post-war green reconstruction, the attitudes towards the environment and energy during the war, and the EU accession.

The paper outlines key trends in the attitudes of Ukrainian people to the environment, energy, and EU accession during the war, and the vision for Ukraine’s future. It also includes certain comparisons with the data of nationwide sociological surveys from the previous years.

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Building back better: Ukraine's transport infrastructure
Transport, EU accession Anna Ack Transport, EU accession Anna Ack

Building back better: Ukraine's transport infrastructure

The report looks into lessons from EU infrastructure funding in Central and Eastern European countries. T&E looks at the priorities and implications of EU transport related cohesion spending for 10 Central and Eastern European countries, after their accession from 2007. The lessons learned will be crucial for Ukraine, as it progresses towards EU membership.

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Ukraine’s Single Project Pipeline sectoral desitribution and prioritisation: recommendations for improvements
Finance Anna Ack Finance Anna Ack

Ukraine’s Single Project Pipeline sectoral desitribution and prioritisation: recommendations for improvements

This briefing prepared by Bankwatch, T&E and Ecoaction examines Ukraine’s Single Public Investment Projects Portfolio, highlighting concerns over project quality and prioritisation. Key issues include database inconsistencies and limited local government involvement. Recommendations urge better alignment with EU standards and increased municipal participation to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of public investments.

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UAD: Ukraine's Energy and Climate Challenges
Energy Ната Атаманюк Energy Ната Атаманюк

UAD: Ukraine's Energy and Climate Challenges

This issue of the Ukrainian Analytical Digest addresses Ukraine's pressing energy and climate challenges, particularly the anticipated heat and power deficit for the coming winter. With contributions from Green Deal Ukraїna and Energy Act for Ukraine, it explores immediate solutions that align with Ukraine's long-term clean energy transition and EU integration.

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Investment catalogue of Ukrainian cities
Energy Ната Атаманюк Energy Ната Атаманюк

Investment catalogue of Ukrainian cities

This investment catalogue developed by Razom We Stand identifies potential energy efficiency projects in urban infrastructure in Ukraine. This publication showcases the curated investment opportunities across the country's vibrant cities, each project representing a step towards a more sustainable, resilient, and technologically advanced Ukraine.

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The Czech and EU Approach to Ukraine’s Reconstruction: Struggling with Sustainability
EU accession, Finance Anna Ack EU accession, Finance Anna Ack

The Czech and EU Approach to Ukraine’s Reconstruction: Struggling with Sustainability

This report by AMO discusses approach of Ukraine, EU and Czechia towards the green recovery, particular initiatives, but also persisting challenges. They identify Poland and Germany as an examples of good practice and recently approved Ukraine facility as a key instrument for the process of recovery. Czechia, despite allocating only limited own resources and paying less attention to the green recovery, remains committed to supporting Ukraine and is strong in seeking alliances for its initiatives.

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