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Building back better: Ukraine's transport infrastructure
The report looks into lessons from EU infrastructure funding in Central and Eastern European countries. T&E looks at the priorities and implications of EU transport related cohesion spending for 10 Central and Eastern European countries, after their accession from 2007. The lessons learned will be crucial for Ukraine, as it progresses towards EU membership.
Proposals for a Green Recovery in Ukraine
Background paper by Green Deal Ukraine prepared for the High-Level Working Group with six visions of a successful green recovery in critical sectors. Each vision is underpinned by selected proposals for approaching this vision and, at the same time, aligning Ukrainian legislation with EU requirements.
Green Jobs And Post-War Reconstruction Of Ukraine
The study by Razom We Stand and the Resource and Analysis Center "Society and Environment" shows if Ukraine's post-war reconstruction is green, it could create more than 4.2 million additional jobs in five key sectors: transportation, energy, healthcare, education, and water.
Rebuilding Ukraine. Principles of a green post-war reconstruction
This paper by adelphi aims to contribute to the process of Ukraine’s reconstruction planning by formulating a set of principles, both overarching and sectoral, as a first step towards the operationalisation of a green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
Urban Transport Sector in Ukraine in 2022: A baseline report
The report was written by Ukrainian transport specialists in August-October 2022 based on collected data and direct knowledge from the cities with which we worked or communicated during this year and before.
Ukraine: a sustainable economic recovery for people and nature
This report by WWF and BCG provides a pathway to achieve these sustainability goals. It shows that, while circumstances are dire, if sustainability is at the core and reforms are properly implemented, this effort could shape a sustainable model of economic development for Ukraine, Europe and the world.