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European Future of Ukraine: Environment, Energy, and Post-War Reconstruction through the Eyes of Citizens
Public participation Ната Атаманюк Public participation Ната Атаманюк

European Future of Ukraine: Environment, Energy, and Post-War Reconstruction through the Eyes of Citizens

This policy brief presents the analysis of the findings of the public opinion survey on Ukraine’s post-war green reconstruction, the attitudes towards the environment and energy during the war, and the EU accession.

The paper outlines key trends in the attitudes of Ukrainian people to the environment, energy, and EU accession during the war, and the vision for Ukraine’s future. It also includes certain comparisons with the data of nationwide sociological surveys from the previous years.

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Post-war Green reconstruction of Ukraine: processes, stakeholders, public participation
Public participation, Governance Anna Ack Public participation, Governance Anna Ack

Post-war Green reconstruction of Ukraine: processes, stakeholders, public participation

This study by the Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment” of public access to decision-making related to the recovery of Ukraine in the context of environmental protection and climate change mitigation analyzes current processes around the planning of Ukraine’s future and ongoing reconstruction.

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