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Post-war recovery of Ukraine: rebuilding for a better future
The analysis paper by Green Dossier, Environment People Law and the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine is intended to be used by specific sectoral ministries and other official structures, as well as representatives of local government and authorities for management of amalgamated territorial communities for explanations regarding the proper implementation of green agenda in the sectoral and territorial/local plans for the post-war reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.
Rebuilding Ukraine. Principles of a green post-war reconstruction
This paper by adelphi aims to contribute to the process of Ukraine’s reconstruction planning by formulating a set of principles, both overarching and sectoral, as a first step towards the operationalisation of a green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
New European Bauhaus: Circular Housing in Ukraine
The need in new construction and reconstruction after the war will be huge. Re-building of Ukraine should be done as carbon neutral as possible. Ukraine has already taken course on the green recovery (Lugano, Berlin) and should continue.
How to rebuild a “green” country: recommendations for Ukraine’s recovery
The document describes war damage and macroeconomic stability, international assistance. Analysts give recommendations for horizontal reforms, recovery in the sectoral dimension, assistance sharing.
Post-war Recovery of Ukraine’s Cities: Green Reconstruction and Green Transformation
The main purpose of this policy paper by the Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment” is to offer mechanisms and tools for postwar reconstruction and green transformation of Ukrainian cities, to analyze existing challenges and ways to overcome them, and to explore recent changes in legislation and strategic planning at the government level related to postwar reconstruction of Ukraine in the context of cities.
Urban Transport Sector in Ukraine in 2022: A baseline report
The report was written by Ukrainian transport specialists in August-October 2022 based on collected data and direct knowledge from the cities with which we worked or communicated during this year and before.
Ukraine: a sustainable economic recovery for people and nature
This report by WWF and BCG provides a pathway to achieve these sustainability goals. It shows that, while circumstances are dire, if sustainability is at the core and reforms are properly implemented, this effort could shape a sustainable model of economic development for Ukraine, Europe and the world.
Green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine: vision and models
This policy brief by Resource-Analytical Center «Society and Environment» outlines the concept of green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and possible implementation models.
Green reconstruction. Post-war green recovery of Ukraine
The series of reports by WiseEuropa shows that goals of Ukraine's postwar reconstruction should be ambitious. Giving the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine a green direction seems to be the only right path. Shared visions and goals with Europe can not only support the integration process but also facilitate Ukraine's independence from fossil fuel imports from Russia and prepare the country for other important challenges of the future, related to the climate crisis.