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Green jobs potential in Lviv and Volyn regions
This research paper by Resource & Analysis Center “Society and Environment” and Razom We Stand includes an assessment of the current number of green jobs in the Lviv and Volyn regions, an analysis of the potential of the regions to create green jobs and prospects for post-war reconstruction, and an analysis of potential providers of educational services in the formation of personnel.
Green jobs in Vinnytsia City Territorial Community
This study by Resource & Analysis Center “Society and Environment” and Razom We Stand presents the results of estimation of the current number of green jobs in the Vinnytsia city territorial community; a survey of municipal enterprises regarding the current state and prospects of their activities, as well as an assessment of the personnel and educational needs of enterprises and their prospects; analysis of education providers from the point of view of filling the demand for green professions.
Green Jobs And Post-War Reconstruction Of Ukraine
The study by Razom We Stand and the Resource and Analysis Center "Society and Environment" shows if Ukraine's post-war reconstruction is green, it could create more than 4.2 million additional jobs in five key sectors: transportation, energy, healthcare, education, and water.