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A Green Recovery for Resilience and Prosperity in a European Ukraine

Organisers: DiXi Group, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Russia’s war against Ukraine entered a new phase with even more devastating attacks on the energy infrastructure. For its survival in the following winter season, Ukraine faces the challenge to balance between inevitable fast repairs of damaged fossil fuel based infrastructure and investments into sustainable decentralized, renewable-based solutions.

European assistance is in great demand for both these tasks. While the former is a matter of immediate survival for the Ukrainian state and society, the latter is groundwork not only for a resilient and prosperous European Ukraine but also for improved energy security all over central Europe and for the success of the joint effort of decarbonization.

In 2024, Ukraine developed its first integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) and aims to adopt the framework Climate Law, thus performing a major update of its policies with the long-term goal of carbon neutrality. Stakeholders, including policymakers, think tanks and business representatives, will join a discussion on the ways to translate these policies into actions aimed at achieving both a more resilient energy system and just economic development.

6 June

Empowering Resilience: Financing Renewable Energy in Ukrainian Communities

26 June

Increasing the sustainability of water supply in communities through solar power plants