UAD: Ukraine's Energy and Climate Challenges

The Ukrainian Analytical Digest (UAD) is a bimonthly internet publication produced jointly by European Research Centres. The Ukrainian Analytical Digest analyzes the political, economic, and social situation in Ukraine within the context of international and security dimensions of this country’s development.

This issue addresses Ukraine's pressing energy and climate challenges, particularly the anticipated heat and power deficit for the coming winter. It explores immediate solutions that align with Ukraine's long-term clean energy transition and EU integration.

Contributors from the Green Deal Ukraїna Project of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and Ukrainian NGOs discuss critical topics, including strengthening Ukraine's power infrastructure, enhancing cross-border electricity connections, integrating climate policy during wartime, and promoting energy efficiency through Municipal Energy Plans.

The issue also highlights the installation of hybrid solar stations at critical facilities, advancing Ukraine's energy resilience and independence amid ongoing conflict.


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