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Green reconstruction of Ukraine and public participation: processes, challenges, best practices

Organiser: Resource and Analysis Center "Society and Environment"

What processes of reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine are taking place at the international, national and local levels, and to what extent do they take into account environmental and climate challenges?

The event will discuss the following issues:

  • What processes of reconstruction of Ukraine are taking place at the international, national, and local levels?

  • To what extent do they take environmental and climate challenges into account?

  • What is the role of civil society in these processes?

  • What are the main trends compared to 2022?

"Society and Environment" analysed reconstruction processes at international and national levels, compared the main trends with 2022, and prepared the policy paper "Post-war green reconstruction of Ukraine: processes, stakeholders, public participation". During the event, experts will present the main conclusions and recommendations of the policy paper during the event.

The event is supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation's Office in Ukraine.

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